Hi! i went to the autozone and I saw an impact wrench for a good price tag, but I've never heard of that brand before, can anyone tell me how good and reliable are? are they worth buying them or should I better forget about it? thanks!
I buy the cheapest thing I can get, mostly from harbor junk cause I use them alot. Ive had all brands nun really last that long for me, just like 4 1/2" grinders. Ive had my 2 Dewalts the longest. My latest Impact wrench is 4 years old its from Harbor Junk probably made by the same company as the ones at autozone.
Any of the cheap Ingersol knock offs are OK for home use. For work I stick with Ingersol guns. Tried pretty much everything at our shop and the Ingersol stuff out lasts all of it including Snap On.
A helpful hint..... I always try and search the tools I am not positive about on garage journals. Most of the time you can find numerous reviews on what your looking at.
Old Great Neck tools were fine, made in the USA. Don't know anything about the new ones, probably made in China or Mexico like everything else nowadays.