have my.... springs heads head gaskets intake gaskets intake mega black seal rocker arms with screw in bolt things anything else? going with an aluminum color for the heads
Looks to me like you got it all. I need a new set of heads for my car, too. What heads did you get? I'm guessing they're aftermarket based on the aluminum color comment.
Box to poke 16 holes in for pushrods, bolt thread lube, new thermostat, oil n filter, SHOP MANUAL, paper/pencil-make notes n checklist- thread-chaser or new bolt to clean threads, gasket scrapper n scotchbrite CLEAN RAGS! missing couple things,,, cant think right now,,, of course a 6-pack of Mt Dew! Good Luck!
nope, e7 heads milled and 3 angle valve job, mabey i should grab some mt dew, im going to need it putting them heads on the motor.
Torque wrench??? Like DKstuck said...Push rods in holes in a box so they go back where they came from...DO NOT toss em in a can if your going to re-use em. Have fun!!!
Looks like a damper spring in there too...Are you running a roller cam??? if not,I would recommend braking in the cam without the damper springs in place.Put em in after cam break in. If its a roller...Ignore my recommendation...It wont be a problem. I hate thumb and index finger spring copressors too....
cams already broken in, flat tappet pulled a head off today and that motor is sad.... it was burning antifreeze and i didnt know it, pistons and valves were completley white. My motors going to like the new heads. BTW when i bought it i was told it was a 91 H.O. motor, now i actually know what it is, an 84 mustang motor with 78 heads.... Total bs.... cant wait to press the go pedal!
Do you know why it was consumeing coolant??? Determine the cause before you put it back together. While the heads are off check the cyl bores for cracks.Sometimes you can see em.Check the deck surface too for cracks between the bores. Determine if the head gaskets were installed properly last time around. Could be the heads you are replacing were the source of the coolant consuption.Look em over and scruitinize the block/bores as best you can before reassembly.Good luck!!!
Looked at the head gasket and it looks like they used the old aluminum paint trick but the gaskets were in rough shape.