I removed the headlight knob and shaft by pressing the button on the side of the headlight switch. When installing I assume I slide the shaft back into the switch, push the button and done. But, when installing the shaft and pushing the button it doesn't "catch". It simply pulls out of the switch. Any ideas?
Yep...just push it in firmly. Also, make sure to "clock" the switch so that it says LIGHTS when the knob is twisted to full light instrumentation, right before you turn it counter clockwise to turn on the dome light.
I assumed it just pushed in but that doesn't seem to be working. I can feel the click at the end but it doesn't stay in.
When you feel it click, rotate the knob back and forth a bit and jiggle it some. If the mechanism is stuck a little that should let it drop into place and lock. If not and you are sure you are getting the shaft inserted firmly it might be broken inside. Fortunately those switches are fairly cheap. I recommend for replacement, to buy the Motorcraft brand. There are cheaper units but they have a high rate of failure.
I bought a used headlight knob for my '72 Maverick because the chromed plastic had peeled off of it. What do I need to do to get the original knob off? I see this thread tells me what I need to do to get the replacement back in. Thanks for the help!!