(Yes I used the search the bar.) I have a set of long tubes I my 70 I'm looking to replace, I know they're headman but not sure what model. passenger side has plenty of room drivers side had 2 dents in the front to clear the shock Tower. and a 3rd dent to clear the corner of the steering box. the dents were done by my father b4 he passed away. so I'm looking at Hedman Street Headers 88300 All the reviews say they fit with zero issues. so is it possible they changed their design over the years to work? my headers are from around 2002. it doesn't look like they'd fit if they weren't dented. I have a 5.0 ho roller, unmodified shock towers.
There are others here that know more than me on the topic but the first hurdle is whether not you have a column shift automatic. If not carry on to the second hurdle. Do you have have power steering. If so I believe you will need a power steering drop kit and you would want to beef up the attachment with welds. Thirdly, the pitman arm might get in the way and you might have to dent one of the tubes. I'm thinking the guys who have zero issues don't have column shift autos. Let us know what finally works for you. MD
Pitman arm was not an issue with mine, but have since converted to R & P, it took a total of 5 minutes per side to get the hedman headers in place. actually I was quite surprised how well they fit, I was prepared for a battle
There are some/many threads around here with those headers. Not sure which revision, or if there ever was one, but do a refined advanced search for keywords and you will find them. Also.. of memory, Esampson and baddad are/were running them at one time as well. Although I remember ESampson moving to the hedman shorties after a headswap or something along those lines.
I can tell you from experience that the headman 88300 will fit and that the hooker 6901 if I have that right will disappoint you,Have installed hooker on several different early fords and none fit well at all. of course on a Mav neither will work with column shift. Not sure if there has been a design change but would assume so. the last set I bought was 2 years ago and like I said they went in very nicely, did it myself had both sides in and bolted in less than half hour. as for for the other brands out there I could not tell you. hope that helps you
Here is a few pictures of my headman 88300 they fit with no issues. There in a 1969.5 model hope this helps.
Off topic, but I'm curious about the firewall reinforcement plate for the stock tower supports. I have not seen that before. Nice work, by the way. Micah
What about ground clearance for the Hedman 88300? I've been thinking about getting a set of 88408 which are shorty headers but the 88300's are much cheaper and budget is a major factor.
Hedman 88408's are more than 88300's because they are Thermal coated which adds about $200 to the cost. Hedman 88400 is the painted version of the Hedman shorties and is slightly cheaper than the 88300's which are also painted. The Thermal coating doubles the cost of the header. Sorry but I can't help you on the ground clearance. MD