Hello everyone! I just picked up a 73 maverick that is a little more gone then i thought. I look forward to chatting with you guys and hopefully am able to get a little help and guidance along the way. Sure could use some tune up info. like points and timing and what ever else. Its a 250 6cyl
from another VA member. I don't have the answers to your question, but maybe you should look in to upgrading to a pertronix ignition. No more points adjustments/replacements and it will run smoother!
where do i get a pertronix? any how to articals? I come not knowing much about these old beasts. lol.
you can get them from summit racing.com or any parts store or direct from pertronix. they come with instructions and all you do is remove your points and mount the new pertronix part and hook it up, as i said it comes with instructions and should only take you about 30mins at the most. best part is no more setting point gap or dwell.
yeah i saw that and the other response to my other post. thanks a bunch for the help. guess i got something to do this weekend.