I stayed up late reading all I could in the forum, what a great group! I have the bug again so after 30 years I am pulling my 75 Comet GT 302 turbo out of storage and finishing the rebuild that I started in 1980. I haven't even seen it in 10 or 15 years and after a few hours here, I feel excited like it's high school all over again. I was about 90% done, enough to fire it up but never even got the exhaust or drive shaft connected before life led me to other interests. I thought I'd really be on my own and have a tough time garnering info and parts but after discovering this site, I feel much more confident. When I get it towed over here in the next week or so, I'll post some photo's, the mods and the story that goes with them for those who are interested. I look forward to being part of the gang. Reagrds, Joe
to the board. I was born & raised in Detroit. Graduated from Frank Cody HS. Glad to see you are going to finish the project. Also glad to see another Comet on the board. Can't wait to see pictures...
Well...I have some bad news and good news for you. Bad News: You just missed the Maverick Comet Club, International, Inc. (MCCI) 18th Annual Roundup Nationals held July 19-24, 2011 in Dearborn, Michigan. Good News: The MCCI 19th Annual Roundup Nationals will be July 25-29, 2012 in the Detroit, Michigan area. So you have about 11 months to get it ready!! Go man, Go!!
Welcome from Northeaster Illinois. :Handshake Ur in the right place for inspiration, knowledge and anything else to do w/ our cars.