I am switching back to what I believe is the stock or closer to stock carb for my 72 i6 200. Its a carter rbs carb model 2241. Im not so sure what to connect to some of the openings. I have two nipples on the body im not sure what goes to them. I have an opening under the threaded part where the metal line goes. The little piston for the choke slides inside that hole. not sure what goes there or covers it? here are pics
1970-74 170, 200 Six—Carter YF 1 bbl 1970-74 250 Six—Carter RBS 1 bbl Might wanna start here http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/fuel_system.html
Ok checked out the link. The vacuum port that says "egr" would that go to my pvs or do i just block it off since I dont have an egr? Also checked out some pics of other rbs carbs and it seems that the area under where the metal line goes for the choke is supposed to be covered. Is there a replacement I can buy? does that area have to be air tight? I could fabricate a round cover from sheet metal and seal it with high temp gasket sealer or something similar.