Guy has a 4 door comet,been in a barn for 15 years.It's four hours away he say's it's a 71 but I can't tell from pics.I need all the small bumper stuff for my 76 and a hood.Does it look like a 71?I know you guy's know them better than me.Stuck engine and ratty interior.But clean title.Whats a good price?
Keel it has the 71 GT style grille with stainless. The grill would be worth something to someone to repair. - Matt
First character of the VIN will tell you the year... 1=1971, 2=1972... In my experience, the bumperettes seemed to be more common in 72 than 71, but that's really not a hard and fast rule.
Well it 7.30 am and I leaving for the 4 hour drive each way lol.Hope its as good as it looks in the pic,I think it's in a bad part of town wish me luck,and no trouble.
That even looks like it has a good hood emblem. Most of them have the red in the clear section fade out. If the surround is pitted a good center can be swapped into a better one. The front and rear valences will swap to your car. Bumpers, mounts, and the little filler pieces under the rear endcap and bumper will work for you. You might get a dash pad and armrests. I agree with Paul on the bumper guards. Comet front bumper guards are cut different than Mav guards, too. Only work with the Comet bumper. Looks like a lot of usable parts there. Hope you got the car. Let me know if you still need a stone guard, OK? Been busy with work the week and haven't had a chance to get to it.
Got it had several things pop up on the trip.Turned in into a 12 hour round trip,But I am sure the car was worth $500.And the hood is mint no rust.