I'm thinking of changing my power steering to manual. I currently have headers with the drop down bracket. Can anyone give me a bit of help. Will the manual setup fit with my headers? And what total parts do I need? Any roadblocks??? Has anyone done this, and is it better?? Any help greatly appreciated. - Ray, proud maverick owner.
Steering swap I did a swap like that years ago on a 73 Comet. I used a manual steering pitman arm and center drag link. It worked for me. I think the idler arm should also be changed.
Did you leave in Power steering box? Did You have headers? Was it better? Thanks so much for your time.
I had Hedman headers. I left the Power steering gear box and just swapped the pitman arm. It was better.
i have manual steering in my 71 comet and i hate it. i'm looking for power steering . i thing manual is only good for racing. let me know if you want to get rid of your setup.
I swapped mine to manual, was tired of the oil leaking. drag link and pitman arm was all I changed... I liked it so much that I did manual when I swapped to rack n pinion...
I did the same with my 77. No leaks now. Steering is a little hard when the car is not moving is the only drawback.