I tried to turn on my maverick project car today and i think i killed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I pressed the gas thingy next to the carbtuer to get her going but it didnt so then i closed the lid on the carb that opens and closes and next thing i know it was died. The batter is wroking i check that. I tried starting it up again but all i hear is a pop sound every time i trun the ignition key.......what happened?????? I think it may be the starter casue the fan would turn very time i turn the key but now all i hear is that click/pop only once someone please help. Her are some pic's: It wont let me post the pic's:confused:
battery problem starter wire ford has had problems working loose idoes the solinoid click or starter?
Thanks guys I'll check to see if its any one of those things thanks guys . By the way how do u post a pic with your message i was trying to put a picture of my motor in hopes you guys can help me out in figureing out what else might be missing under the hood but i could post it :confused:
Sounds like the solenoid to me....but check the cable that goes down to the starter....clean it and tighten the bolt.
solenoid should be on the passenger fender. that's where the positive cable from the battery goes and another goes to the starter. plus a few others.
I clean the battery cables that did the job it was the (+) cable that need cleaning. I have One more question, What things are missing from my mav cause my uncle was the one helping me build it but he left and iam on my own now:confused: ??? I posted some pics (302 engine) on the top thread hope they help?