I got a 76 Stallion today 6 cyl 3 sp yellow and black runs drives good do know if should keep or sell what is it worth?
depends on what kind of condition it's in. need to post some pics for the stallion owners on here to look at.
email them to me ... dmhines@mac.com ... I'll post em ... if I get first dibs! Also let us know if you have the build sheet or original sales invoices with the car ...
i got a better idea why dont u trade it to me for my mopar:evilsmile just kidding good luck on what ever you decide to do do some research on it if you decide to sell it
Whether you sell or keep is a decision only you can make. The Stallion is a 1 year only car so it is a desirable one. But if you dont have the skills to do most of the work yourself, it is extremely costly to restore one. As to whats it worth, best bet is to give as many pictures and accurate description for a better guesstimate. Could be anything from $500 to a couple of grand or more.
Here are more pics .... Too much work for me but perhaps somebody else would be interested ...... http://homepage.mac.com/dmhines/PhotoAlbum109.html
Looks like a nice car to build. I wouldn't mind having it but I have 2 more cars to build before I could get to it. I'd hate to set it up that long...needs attention now.