Only 4 left, and I already got mine.
Yay! I always wanted a model, It's gonna take alot to make it look like my mav (yes I know it's a Comet model) I wanted to buy both remaining but I suppose I will share with the board.
If you wanted one of these models, don't panic. Johan has re-issued it, and you should be able to buy one from any decent hobby shop (Walmart doesn't count). If this fails, try the following link. Good luck. By the way, I've bought 2 Maverick Prostock/"Tinker's Toy' models (also by Johan, but it won't be re-issued since according to Johan owner Oakey Spalding, the mold was stolen in the course of the company changing hands) . This is a very fine model of a Maverick which could probably be built as a factory stock version without too much work. It comes up for sale on Ebay pretty regularly. Have fun. John B.
I wished they would remake the Tom Danials, Mean Maverick funny car. Then you wouldnt have to pay $100-$200 for a $20 kit. I bought one back when they first came out and I cant remember what they cost but I'm sure it was less than $20.
Found 2 in a local hobby shop a few weeks ago (behind the counter) for $179.95 . You know I PAYED less for real cars.