Hi this was happen after 100 meters burnout. The owner is alive, his girlfrend to and the car do not damaged mutch. Happy end! (this is high 14 sek camino) http://www.tqhq.ee/forum/viewtopic.php?tid=11219&page=4 scroll the topic, pictures are below
This one tops that. I copied this from the Boss302 off topic board. Saddest part is, someone could have been working in their yard or their kids could have been playing there. http://home.comcast.net/~nmoore11/truck_crash.wmv Seth
What an idiot! You just got to ask what were they thinking??? Fire hydrants bounce pretty good though.
Now that is a complete idiot at work. I'd love to hear how he explained that to hi s insurance company.
I believe it was Albert Einstein that said, " the only thing infinite in this world is space and human stupidity" That clip gives me nothing but chills.
It is also known that whenever you attempt to make something IDIOT Proof, someone invents a better IDIOT
Well, that just goes to show you, how stupid some people can be. They are definitely not playing with a full deck. Or is it, a brick short of a full load?