I'm about to buy an engine stand soon and would like to know approximately how much the 250 straight six weighs. I've done all kinds of searches and cant find anything!! Any suggestions on a decent stand and where you got it from would be appreciated!! Thanks and Merry Christmas to everybody!
I just bought a cheap one from AutoZone for around $60. Harbor Freight has one for $35 good for 750 lbs http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=32915 Your engine weighs NOTHING near 750 lbs... I have my fully assembled 5.0 with heads, intake, everything on one rated for 750 lbs.
Here again, cheaper is not always better. Your six weighs less but is longer pulling on stand (leverage) I've never had a six on the stand an wont say for sure, but, I've had some engines on cheap stands and it's scary to me. If your only putting on stand,,, not bad. If you are going to work on the engine while in stand,,, gotta watch it dont tetter, flop, rattle or roll (something like that anyhow) I did not see it, buddy broke a foot from stand flipping, just me maybe,, but for a couple bucks more,, I would get a better stand an your done! Who knows a 460 may be in your future. Harbor's better stand works pretty good!
Not sure how long a 6 is, but the legs on this one sit plenty far enough forward to keep this V8 straight. I could see how another 8-10" length sticking forward could make it tip easy...
Thanks guys, I just went ahead and got the same one Scooper has from AutoZone. It was part of my Christmas gifts from my wife!! So now I at least have something to start with on my, most likely LONG TERM, build of the 250!
shaun, I would be honored to detail your engine. But you have to take the engine out, and pay for shipping both ways. I will be generous and pay for the paint...
I would think the 250 weighs almost as much as the 302 ... but like stated above it is longer so you need a stand that can handle the leverage ... I suggest you buy the ones with 4 legs ... that 3 ... since the 4-legged variety is much more stable. Here is the 250 I bought for the 74 on a 4-legged stand ...
I want to do something wild but still streetable. The reason it will take me a while is because I know nothing about mechanics and will be teaching myself along the way! (With the help of you guys of course!!!)
The stand from AutoZone does have four legs. At least in the picture it does, I haven't opened it up yet!! how crazy would that be if the picture shows 4 legs but it only has 3!!
mak sure you get an account over on fordsix.com too good luck with it, its always cool to see a nicley done 6'er. might not be the king of the highway but there definatly diffrent
Yeah I have been checking them out for a while now. But all I can do is dream and drool!!! I have the same screen name for that forum too. Maybe once they have everything available, I will have a little bit of money to start something!!