Take detailed notes on exactly how this guy did this burnout...and then crumple them up and throw them away. I think the ultimate goal of executing a successful burnout is to end up with the shiny side up
Was that one of those Viper trucks? I would be devastated if that happened to me. What a shame for such a nice truck.
"Did I pop a tire?" he asks. No just the moron fairy paying you a visit He should stick to really big empty parking lots or at least a road somewhat wider than his truck
Now that was uncalled for On the drivers judgement errors ... where he really scewed up was gettng back into it the second time. Here the replay: Burning out out of control back into it crashed and dazed realizes he's an idiot clean up the mess talking to the judge :16suspect
I guess he forgot that he could just let off the gas, and it would pretty much...stop... What happens in a case like this when you call the insurance? Would they just tell you "too bad you idiot"?
It might be worse than we think....that could be his Dad's truck! :sorry: 'What just happened? Did I pop a tire?' Oh, yeah! If that tire hadn't popped, you would have been totally in control buddy. Did I pop a tire?
Sure was. I've worked on a few and I can see how this happened. They are absolute torque monsters and deserve respect with the 6 speed manual. I think he just got a $60,000 lesson in respect.
What happens in a case like this when you call the insurance? Would they just tell you "too bad you idiot"?[/QUOTE] Depends, he may call it in stolen!!! Or maybe it was a hit and run!!! HAHAHA HE is a big MORON
Depends, he may call it in stolen!!! Or maybe it was a hit and run!!! HAHAHA HE is a big MORON[/QUOTE] Dodged a deer...and lost control...