i run hot an dont know why. i drop in a 91 mustang motor with a b cam. an im running carb with taurus e-fan. i run fine on the streets bout 190-200. but on the free way an up hill i run hot bout 230-240 but the car doesnt thro up. ive check most of the normal stuff an didnt find anything. so any ideas what that can be.
the radiator is not efficent enough for the heat that the motor makes at freeway speeds. you need a beter radiator. also the t-stat in that motor is a 194 i think from the factory. if it hasnt been changed you may want to try puting a 180 in. i still feel that you will need a beter radiator.
Might also be the bottom radiator hose collapsing under a higher RPM restricting flow. Is the radiator cap the right pressure? clint
or he has no tstat at all, doesn't that cause overheating at higher speeds when people take them out?
Does it have the stock(91 mustang) waterpump? If so and you have a v belt on it it may be turning the wrong way. The 5.0 pumps turn the oposite direction.