I got a NOS parking brake off E-Bay from a guy in Toronto. (Great service BTW). It took me about a week to get the old cable out. The clip under the steering column was a B.... Now after removing the lower dash panel, the hand brake lever ('73 Mav). the spark plugs, The driver side header. I am jacking the motor up this morning to remove the header completely, to try to get the clip in place so I can use my brand new cable. Anybody got any ideas on how to get this thing in. I do not want to remove the engine...again.
It is not fun. It won't take much to get the clip on...some light tapping. Might have to start removing stuff if it becomes too difficult....like the master cylinder or something.
I got it. I have the Master cylinder loose, the strut brace off, the monte carlo bar off, header off, motor mount off and motor jacked, spark plugs out. It's time for lunch , then some reassembly. I am very elated. that little project was a trial. no telling how many times I dropped that clip heheh.
I spent an hour under a junkyard car removing a complete parking brake assembly and almost going hypothermic in the process (Spokane, in February, in the rain). After that I decided it would be much easier and way more useful to adapt a Pinto handbrake to my trans tunnel. Even including fabrication time it took less time to do then reinstall the stock one. I've been meaning to do a write up, but I've been getting ready for a move so I never got around to it.
I had a clip that was in a tight spot on a Honda. I put a bright blue wire tie around the end of the clip to use as a handle and it was great for retrieval if dropped.
I remember from my green car, how much of a pain they are...Did you get the cable from "paulislive" ?
Good job!! I installed mine in the orange car with the motor out. I stood in the engine bay and just pushed it in.