hey guys I bought a car on here and when I bought it it had no sap on it when I went to pick it up its LOADED.theres sap ALL over the top of the car down the back front and some on the sides.i have tried turtle wax's stuff and tarmenater on it both made for removal of sap to no avail.you guys have a goo that will fix this situation?thanks
I have an 05 ranger and silver maples. Now and then I spray wd-40 on a section at a time..say on the hood..then wipe off immediately with an old towel. After the entire vehicle is done, its off to the car wash for a bath in pre soak, followed by foam brush, then a rinse. Works like a charm.
this is some thick dried on crackly (word?) monster sap.turpentine won't hurt the crappy paint that's on it?
You need acetone. Also you can cut the vehicle with a abrasive cutting agent. You will need to 3 stage cut, buff, polish the car. If you dont know how to do that I strongly suggest you take it to a detailer -- that is if the car has nice paint.
You might want to try some diesel. When I was a detailer that is what we would use to get off road tar. Works really well believe it or not. But after that you have to use dawn soap to get the diesel off. Then clay bar the car with car detail spray for lube as you work the clay bar. Then polish, wax. It will be a full day job.
this too... I detailed cars for 4 years or so. I loved it when they laid new tar down. Business came rolling in
I had some sap all over my truck once. I had to use HOT soapy water and a credit card to scrape it off. What a mess.
I have a magnolia tree next to my driveway .... four seasons of endless mess! It makes every other tree I have ever dealt with seem tame. One part of the year, it sprouts red gooey seeds. If these fall on my light-colored daily driver, they bounce off and leave a little residue that is easy to wash off. BUT .... park the wife's black Mustang under it, it is a whole 'nuther story. These nasty things bake into the paint! The difference in surface temp is just enough to turn them into one of the most evil things you can image having to get on a car. It is like they are super-glued in place. The local company that I buy detail supplies from here had the answer. It is made by Malco (think Ohio George's '60s Gassers) and at least by their labeling is called EZ Cutter. The name may just be local. Their packaging is customized for them, but if you find a detail product supplier that gets their stuff from Malco, they ought to be able to get you the right stuff. It worked wonders, along with a plastic scuffing pad that they sold me. That pad is something I would never have thought you could use on paint, but apparently it is soft enough that it doesn't scratch. This stuff takes everything off, so count on waxing the area again. I can't recommend this stuff highly enough ... it really fixed a nightmare mess.