Hi friends...... I´m organizing hte I MAVERICK NIGHT in Brasil.....it will be on November, 06 and I pretend to show 25 models - originals, custom and race Mavs. Take a plane and be there. I´ll post pcitures after that. Paul Gregson Brasil
Hi Dan, nice to "see" you again....I hope you enjoy the pics.......Stefan is taking care of them! Your friend, Paul.
Pics Hi friends.... The maverick night was super!!!!!!!!!! Tha date changed to Nov 27 because of the rain on Nov 06......well, we had some rain again, like you can see on the windows, but just a few minutes. After that, a perfect night. We had around 90 mavericks...yes, I wrote 90......exactly. Some of them (30) was parked in a special area like a "show area" and the rest were in the car park area. We made a special presentaion of all of them. Thanks for Stefan who take care on the pics and posted here. Seeyou soon Paul
paul, looks like you had a great showing. some really nice cars there. congratulations on your success.
Hey Paul!!! I was sure I'd meet you over here!!!! LOL LOL Ready for Maverick Night part II tomorrow??? We're taking both race cars!!! :bananaman See you there man! Hamilton
That´s it my friend.....II Maverick Night is coming up!!!!! Tomorrow night we will drive our mavs to the show.......at least 100 mavs must be there! Pics and video asap. Paul