Well this might not be the right section, but i need big time help! My ford that has a 5.0 in it overheated the other day. I know it blew a head gasket cause the water and oil were mixed and i had water leaking from under the heads and was coming out of my exaust. What happend was i noticed my car was in the red zone so i pulled over and i found out it had no water in the radiator, so i filled it up and turned my car on to get it warm so the thermostat would open. It started up ok and ran at a idle. So i shut it off and put more water in it. When i went to start it agian the engine rolled over like 5 times and stopped even tho i had the key turned on. So i put the key in the off position then turned it on agian and it did the same thing. So i put the key in the off position agian and then turn it on agian and it rolled over like 5 times and then started. So i drove it around the parking lot i was in like 3 times and thats when i noticed the water leaking out. So i shut my engine off and it didnt make any funny noises or anything. So i called triple a to tow me home. When they were 15 minutes away i tried starting my car just to see if it would and all i got was a click. So im guessing the times i was turning it over and it was stopping was it starting to seize up. My question is what would make it seize up slowly like that? Im guessin its a camshaft bearing that got messed up from runnning hot and was getting stuck when i was trying to turn it over and finally really got stuck lol. im gonna try to turn the engine over manually here soon to see if i can get it unstuck and if i can im gonna replace the bearings and hope it rolls over with the key. Then ill fix the head gasket and then make a prayer to the lord and hope it rolls over and starts so what do all of u out there think the problem is?
The first red flag I see reading this is putting water into a very hot engine with the engine not running. I don't know how true it is but I was always taught to never put water into the radiator of a hot or even warm engine with the engine not running and I have always followed that advice and have never lost a head gasket due to it. I would say at the least you will have to have the heads resurfaced and new head gaskets installed and I bet that is if you are lucky. 302's/5.0's are tough enough but when they are overheated they like to bend like any engine does. Good luck with it clint
pull the spark plugs and see if it turns over,if no then a bearing locked up.hopefully no water comes from the spark plug holes
Pull the plugs and see if it rolls over. If it does, put them back in and start it up to see if it makes any noises now that it's cooled off. If all seems well, slap some head gaskets on it, change the oil, and cruise.. 302's are tough.
ok im gonna take the plugs out and see if it will roll over. Alot of people are telling me that the bearing might of welded its self to the crankshaft, but i was wondering how it could weld itself together if there was oil and water in the motor?
I'm thinking it wouldn't turn over cause a cylinder got water in it. Once it pushed enough out, while you were cranking it, it would turn over. The end result is a bent rod and blown gasket... along with all the other damages associated with blowing a gasket and running a motor with water in the oil. Either way, sounds like $$. Keep us posted and good luck.
well i went home yesterday and took out my sparkplugs on the driver side of the engine. I noticed the last 1 i pulled out was wet so i left it out and turned the key and it rolled over so now im going to go to checker to get the head gasket rebuild kit, new oil, antifreeze, oil filter and head gasket screws. ill hopefully have it running by tomorrow or later tonight. i just wanna say thanks to the people that reccomended there was water in the cylinder
restart Might be a good idea to run a qrt of engine flush ,some cheap oil and filter for a few minutes on the first re-start. Then change oil and filter to good stuff after flushing out all the old water and antifreeze.