I am trying to find a better price than 1100 dollars to fix my motor problem in my 77 mercury comet. I would appreciate any help I can get and to be pointed in the right direction. I am grateful for this forum!
well there is nothing wrong with the price except I don't have it, I need to replace the whole motor because it locked up, i bought the car and it had a knock, and it died about 2 hours later.
Well seeing as you're in the Peoples Republic Of Kalifornia, I seriously doubt you'll get an engine replaced for less than that amount getting someone else to do it for you. Better start saving your money if you expect someone else to do the work for you.
i keep getting abunch of flakes that aren't serious so I am going to save and fix it, my next paycheck should cover it
a helping hand if you have a motor and want to bring it and the car to us in rancho cordova well help YOU install it FREE. and no I wont just open my garage and say okay there you go. have at it lol well actually get in there and help you get it done. its not all that hard it just takes a cherry picker and willingness to get it done other than that its easy. the only problem is it will prolly take your whole paycheck to ship it here to nor cal it would be an adventure for you though maybe someone else in your area can offer the same helping hand for another member of our community
NorCal folks are so much nicer than SoCal!! there's been so many nice offers from up there! I will keep that in mind thank you so much junrai!!