72 mav I6 200 engine with a yf carb on it. Idle drops and dies when braking/slowing down to a stop. I have an EI ignition, newer wires, new plugs, coil is good, cap is newer as is the rotor. Just replaced the battery too. Set timing as well Seems to run best about 14 degrees give or take. Carb was rebuilt by me and it runs great just the idle issue. was told it might be the idle curve setting? Never set this up since I dont know how. If someone could explain thats be great! If theres anything else I should check let me know.
Never heard of an idle curve setting. Possibly " idle curb setting "? Anyway, are you auto trans or stick? There is a device called a dashpot for auto trans cars. It just lets the throttle close slower than it normally would. Since this part is almost unobtainium, I would just set your idle speed a teense higher. Get her warmed up really well and set your mixture screw for best idle then go ⅛ - ¼ turn richer. I forgot to mention to check carefully for vacuum leaks before doing any of the above!
yes idle curb. sorry. I checked plugs and they look look good.could probably got a bit leaner. Auto trans. Not sure how to check for leaks but all my vacuum hoses are connected. Theres a port at the base of the carb that im not sure what goes to it but i have it blocked. The higher up port i have connected to my distributor.
Did you set the float properly when you rebuilt it.If its too low, the car may run fine at cruise/idle and then fall on its face when you stop/ decelerate quickly or go around corners quickly. Turn your idle up a bit and drive it,see if it still stalls on you. If you rebuilt it correctly, chances are the idle is too low.
hmm I was sure i rebuilt it correctly. But I am having those symptoms. Guess Ill tear into it and make sure. Let ya know when I know.