Well, I started the project today. I took the housing down to the car wash and scrubbed it down. I took the D/A to it and got most of the stuff to bare metal. I will sand blast the rest of it. I will order up the backing plate assemblies from ford. I will also show you guys a really easy way to make the .200 shim required for the proper spacing on the bearing. I will smooth the rear end fill in the ugly dimples etc.... I will show you how to retain your factory parking cables with a slight modification to the cable. It's a fairly easy deal over all. Glad to help this hobby out and the fine people who are true maverickers!!! Lance
What kinda time frame are you looking at? We (I) need alot of pics cause you are my eyes. If possible add circles and arrows to the areas you are showing us to pay special attention to please. I have said it before, I am a dumbazz at some things and need special education. Glad you are willing to take the time, have fun and I hope the task is a ssmooooth ride.
I am a busy man but expect no longer than 3-4 weeks. The cleaning,filling,smoothing takes the longest.
It was just a question to ask cause I was thinking of how much time it takes just to take pics with grimey hands then up/down load to pc, edit, chop, insert and all that fun stuff... All that then to get it all on a page or site... That's alot of time is all i'm saying. Sure glad you are willing to share. Most people would'nt take the time or put themselfs to the challange.
Did I mention I acquired a BOSS 429? and will do a how to install on that without doing a mustang II install:evilsmile