Hi Everybody, I'm not actually a new member. It's been a couple, three years since I've been on. Been busy working and building a new house. I don't remember if I'm going about this the correct way since it's been a while ago that I've been involved with the Maverick Club, but here goes. The 70 Mav and 72 Comet have been in the garage most of the past 3 years. I start them regularly and actually took the Mav out for a couple of rides recently and everything was fine until last weekend. I went out to fire it up and had some trouble. I have an ignition problem that I thought I got rid of 3 years ago, but it's now returned. I'm not getting any ignition spark until I release the key from the start position to the off position, it will fire for a brief second. It's similar to after burn but it's always a brief mis fire that never continues on like after burn would. Of course it will not remain running because the key is in the off position. It usually starts after going through this procedure several times but will often die and stall a time or two before warming up and then runs fine. I have a Dura spark system on my 302. The key ignition switch is the older type on the dash tray instead of the steering column. I suspect its that switch causing the problem. In the past I corrected it by tightening my coil connections and messing with the connection leading from ignition switch. I not certain either of those attempts actually solved any thing but the problem did seem to disappear. I just remembered I had the same problem years ago with the same car. But then I had a 289 in it with older non electronic ignition. I't seems it comes from the car sitting idle for long periods of time. It won't start at all today and I think it's time I solved this problem. Any ideas??