I bought my first car 1982 it was a Ford Maverick.My friends all said what are you crazy thats a piece of junk. But i loved it and still have my first Car 1970 Ford Maverick. I raced my car till 2005 and was in a life threatening accident in my 2000 F-350 4 door dually hit 2 parked cars, flipped it 3 times and was ejected they gave me 6 to 8 hrs to live and i made it. I havnt raced it since. Im disabled now and its been in my 32ft enclosed trailer until this year my brothers took it out put it on a open trailer and we went to a couple of car shows. It was great seeing my car in the daylight again,and to hear it run,they put some fresh race fuel in it and put the on button and i could hear the oil in the accusump oiling it up before we started it. Well it fired right up and sounded so good to hear.well thats my story,and maybe someday ill be able to race a couple of times thanks.JEFF
Awesome! I knew a fellow who was injured in an accident and he still runs super stock with hand controls. Always good to hear someone beat the odds.