If you have a 40 year old pan, look at gettng a new one. Pin holes in pans are vary common. Last thing you want to do is go through doing this again 12 months from now ............
Drop the steering linkage and the drop bar and you can drop the pan - a lot more trouble than removing the two bolts for the mounts and the oil pump.
Ive done this on a couple mavericks. THese were manual steering cars. Unbolt motor mounts, jack up motor using a 2X4 as a brace ontop of the jack so you do not hurt the pan, slip jack stand under bell housing (or on, i cant remember), Unbolt belly bar, take off pan.
I was wondering if I could drop the belly bar, I thought about it but wasn't sure it would be safe. I'll try that tomorrow. I got it all back together today after all the crap I had to do, and no oil pressure. Methinks the oil pump driveshaft is not in its proper location. I am NOT looking forward to this at all. BTW, someone said something about the pan, it's not the stock pan, it has a Cal Custom finned aluminum jobby on it, so no pinholes. Thanks, guys!