Greetings, It has been a very long time since I have posted on here. Life seems to get the best of me sometimes. However, both my wife and I are considering starting a project car. When we started trying to decide on what kind of car to start we started talking about the cars we owned before we met. As it turns out, for both of us, our fist car was a Ford Maverick. In light of this, I think we should build/restore a Maverick. However, I have some questions, mainly, how much is too much? Let me explain. I have been researching building a Maverick for quite some time, and I have seen a lot of great builds and some not so great. I guess the real question is how much to modify/update a Maverick. Things like cross-link suspension, disk breaks, power steering, etc. all seem fine to me. But how much can really modify and/or update and still realistically call it a Maverick? I am sure this line different for each person. I just wanted to try to get a general feel from the community and get some feedback on what you all think. Any feedback is appreciated. additional note: When we start, it will be a complete tear down to the skin and built back up. I am planning on three or four years of build time from start to finish, working mainly in my spare time.
first off i'd like to know where you are going to find a maverick in HI? i don't think i have ever seen one there running or just even a shell in the last 20 years. lol!
wow really. i got there all the time at least 3 times a year since the early mid 90's and haven't ever seen one. hows the rust?
The two I looked at on the Big Island would require more skill than I have to repair. Living on a rock in the middle of an ocean is not kind to cars. However, I have recently seen one driving around on Schofield Barracks that seems to just have some minor fender rust. I am still looking for the owner to talk to him about selling it. If nothing else, I can ship one from the mainland for around $1400, but that would add to the overall cost of the build and doesn't include shipping it back when my time in Hawaii is done. [EDIT] Your link on your page for products is bad. http://HighlightedPowerProductspage9/ is the link it tries to go to. [/EDIT]
I am of the opinion, no matter how much u modify a Maverick - it is still a Maverick, - unless u modify the body "exterior" in such a fashion that it is not recognizable as a Maverick.
if youre gonna build a hotrod, i dont think theres ever too much..theres always some kind of upgrade you want to do to go faster or handle better or look cooler..thats why this hobby never gets old. just build it to suit your wants and likes
When I think about it.....I have a few questions. What does a wedding cost? What do Babies cost? Vacations? Mariage Couseling? Bro IMHO if its You and the woman you love and youre going to spend the rest of your lives together, What ever it costs, its worth every moment, if youre doing it together.
I agree with what Everett says - if you take a look at "my images" under my avatar, you will see that I have made many modifications during my build but, no matter what I do to it, I will always consider it to be a Maverick