Hey ptpdub: What's that ' white stuff ' all over your Maverick ? Is that a ' recent ' video ?? Since you're in Canada I guess your winters arrive a little earlier . You may be able to squeeze a few more trips in your ride before the snow really starts blowing. Pray for a short winter ! Cometized (Chip)
I shot the video this morning at about 830 in the morning. Winters arrive fairly early and stick around for about six months. I do not believe I will have many days left driving this car this year.
Wow! I just came back home to PA from 11 days in Florida - I'm not ready for the 70 degree temps that we still have let alone the snow that I know I can't stop from coming
That's funny I just came from PA to FL two days ago! Very glad to be back in the heat...not so much about the hurricane.
Here it is getting around to the weather where I actually feel like working on the car. Light sweat instead of soaked. It's all perspective. At least you don't have to shovel sweat. I feel for you. Grew up near Chicago and shoveled enough snow that I don't want to live with it again. Nice to visit and can be great to look at, but not for months. Currently getting ready for a couple days of wind and rain. Hurricane Matthew is on the other side of the state. Should be safe here, just have to dodge rain like most have never seen. Like I said ... perspective.
Good Morning Captain: Just read your post about being on the ' Other ' side of the State ... Right Now that's a GREAT place to be !!! I'm in Deland , FL which is about 30 miles inland from the coast and we're supposed to be Slammed on Thursday (Tomorrow) nite . The cars are INSIDE .. along with the bird-baths, garbage cans .. plants ... ANYTHING that could become a missile. There are other folks here in Florida that are going to be subjected to this weather also and I'm sure they're making preparations too ! I'm going to stay HERE in my Plant and keep the Cars "company" till this thing blows over ! The Governor on TV this morning stated if you live on the EAST coat .. you WILL lose Power .. so I kinda expect to do a lot of ' reading' for awhile by candlelight !! I'm letting the crew off early today so they can go their homes and ' board them up ' .. I've got steel window bars on the insides of all the windows and Steel Overhead Doors so I'm just going to 'button up ' the shop entry door and then just sit tight. I wish I could have access to my computer during this mess . No telling how long it may be before Power is restored. At any rate, there's not too much that can be done except pray and hope for the best. (I've started that Early !! ) Cometized (Chip)
Still nice and sunny and warm here! Drove mine to work today, trying to get in as many miles as I can before they start laying salt on the roads... 17*C here...
I'm on the east coast of Fl about 18 miles from the coast... we are are in the direct path of the hurricane. Going to be a fun day! Luckily the maverick is inside and every thing is locked down. Stay safe chip!
This year it rained every day. But there was still a good turn out and some fantastic deals! Definitely going next year and hopefully to the ford show in June.
Hi Will: Yep ! We're both in the path and when I view the Radar Wesh 2 the circulation looks like the Big Stuff is going to be right on top of us at about 12:00 midnight or 1-2 am . I'm at the plant and I've got everything pretty buttoned up here and the house is boarded up so we'll see what's LEFT after this sucker passes through ! Glad to hear you got the Mav inside out of the blow . You stay safe Too ! This may be one of the last messages sent for awhile .. The Power is going to go off for SURE .. It's just a question of HOW LONG is stays off . Did you register for the NPD show next year yet ? If not , I have a few forms I could email or fax you . Lemmeno . Cometized (Chip)