Well looks like my car is going up for sale. No choice as I see it right now. Normally I wouldnt post something like this on a board but I feel its different on here. Very difficult for me right now. I live for my family and my kids but things go wrong in life I guess. Have no idea how I will get through this not being here with my girls. Sorry bout the sob story but I know how understanding you guys are. The car is trivial now and I really dont see how I could keep it. I'll post details later in life about the sale.
Darren, Sure sorry to hear that you need to sell your car. You're definitely right in that your family comes first. I hope it all works out for you and the family. Please make sure that the sale of the Maverick is something you really need to do. I know how much this car means to you .
Nobody ever promised life was easy or fun. All you can do is the best you can. Hopefully you will figure out something that works for you. When you hit bottom you know material possessions mean nothing. Not a car. Not a home. Then you know what really matters is just finding some happiness. Sorry to see you go through it. Life is rough. Best wishes for happiness in all of your lives. Its not easy for anyone.
Ive found everytime I sell a car it is a temporary solution to a bigger problem. The money comes and goes and really dosnt make a difference in the long run. I regret selling many of my cars because once the money from the car was gone it didnt make a differnce in the long term and I just end up buying another one. I dont care what happens in life, short of neccessary for my kid, I wont sell my Maverick. Will be my first and last car. And if I cant get gas anymore Ill turn it into a couch and BBQ for the backyard.
Sorry to hear man i don't know if i could handle not seeing my little girl everyday, wish you the best.....Giver one last burnout for all of us
If your selling to avoid giving the soon to be ex...any of it sell it to someone you trust for a buck. Then buy it back after paperwork gets done. I might be wrong, but that seems to be the only reason to sell it. I wouldn't sell it though,just because things look bad right now, you will most likely regret it for life. In the end you will make the right choice as only you know what that will be. Keep your head up, bad situations are temporary family's forever.
You know Darren, words are not much consulation right now, and with kids it's even harder. I know, it took me three wives to find the right one and I lost my first wife because I put a career infront of everything.......except my kids. I was a single father with two kids for more than a few years and I truly understand what you are going through because I had to fight to get custody of mine. Just always remind your girls that it's not their fault, it's important they know and believe that statement. I went to many years of counseling for myself and even with my second wife, but there was just too much baggage......................so, it will get better and you will get through this.................I'd be lying to tell you it's going to be easy, but it will get better.............I promise you. Take care of yourself first, then your girls.............If you ever need anyone to just vent to...................you can always send an email or if you'd like give me a call, I could never give advise, but I am one hell of listener, so I've been told. Best Wishes, John
I hear ya. No issues as far as my wife getting the car or money. No bitterness between us at all at this point. Just the opposite actually. I just dont have anywhere to keep it is the main concern. Also I could use the money or so I thought. Ryan made a really good point about the money being gone quickly without it making much difference. Its only a few grand. Not like its a high dollar vehicle. Perhaps I can figure something out... time will tell.