I was reading some tips and tricks on another site and ran across this neat trick for installing a thermostat and anti-freeze. We all have had trouble filling the system with coolant and bleeding all the air out when you first fill it up.This trick was to install 3 aspirins,120 degrees apart under the disc of the thermostat.This will hold the thermostat open when you install it,letting coolant and air pass thru and out,back up your upper hose.When you start your engine,coolant will circulate right away and as the anti-freeze gets hot and circulates,the aspirin will disslove. Just thought I would pass this along,I have never seen it done and have had issues with start up before and hot motors waiting for the thermostat to open fully.
Well, I'll be..... don't see why it wouldn't work. ...it's the little things that always make you go hmmmmm. Later,
neat trick. i have also heard, if you drill a small hole in the flat part of the thermostat it will also let air escape.
That is one of those ideas that is so simple yet I had never thought of it. Wonder which would be better, quick acting or just regular asprin?
That's an old trick. I tried it years ago on my car and she still complained of having a headache! james comet
the drill a 1/8th inch hole in the flat part has been done for yrs.. just put the hole up at the top of the thermostat housing and any air will automatically bleed itself out.. has worked for me many yrs.. after the air is gone the small amount of coolant that goes thru the small hole is not important.. hope it works for all of you too...