Link to my car So I have been trying to sell my Mav for awhile now. And I have to admit I am getting tired of the phone calls where people just call to say you over priced. So my last call went like this. Hello? Hi, I am calling for info for your maverick. Yes, what would you like to know? Is it a manual or auto? Auto that is rebuilt a few years ago. How many miles does it have? It has 148,000 on the car, but after I rebuilt it, it has about 15,000 on the engine. You rebuilt the engine? (In a surprised voice) Yes, me and my dad about 10 years ago. It has ran strong ever since. Ok, (sarcastically) Well do you know that there is a Comet for sale on craigslist for $4,800 and it has everything your car has and has only 64,000 miles? Yes, I know of that car. Do you even watch what these cars sell for? Yes, I do. I have even seen a Maverick sell for $24k on Mecum. It all comes down to the quality of the build. I can tell you that with my car, I know what I have and I built it to go another 148,000 miles. That comet may not be so forgiving. Well I think you are overpriced but thank you for the info. Ok happy holidays. Now I am thinking to myself, why waste your time and mine just to call me and tell me you think my car is overpriced? Whatever.... I get a lot of these phone calls. lol. Just had to vent. P.s. I'm not bashing the Comet in anyway, I think it is a great price for the money.
Don't let anyone tell you what your car an sell for. It takes pride to put money in something with age an sacrifice on everyones part also. Thats not over priced at all. If I had enough money, I'd buy every old call I come across. Stick to your price, one special person will buy it. It just takes time . I hope you sell it to someone that appreciates the car an what it means.
If it's over-priced, no one will buy it (unless they have more dollars than sense), but people should not be calling you just to tell you that it's over-priced. The market will decide that. I see lots of Mavericks that are over-priced. People watch Barrett-Jackson and think they are sitting on a gold mine. But callers like the one you described are just plain rude.
Just tell those callers to try and build one for what your selling yourse for. Usually makes em think again or give up without wasting too much of your time. Worked for me many times. Gotta expect the tire kickers though along with the bebacks...Goes with the territory my freind...Water off a duck man! You know what it is and what its worth.
I know what youre going through. times are tough now and people are holding on to there money ever so tight. if youre not in a time where you have to sell it WAIT the right person who will appreciate that car for a super clean classic will come through and truly love it as soon as they see it. youll know when you have the one. theyll be all smiles and wont ask many questions over the phone. theyll want to come see it right away and then theyll be almost in a hurry to see it thinking someone else might buy it first. I recently sold my 74 ford f250 highboy and I had alot of people asking me how many miles this and that how much rust what about that how about this? 90% of the questions I got asked were mentioned in the ad IF they wouldve just read it! I think stupid people just read the title and the price and have nothing else to do but call and waste your time for entertainment or just to pass the time away in there day. good luck its a beauty. I think if you take out some of the details in your ad it might sell a little faster. I know youre trying to put everything out on the table for the buyer BUT sometimes too much info could kill the sale. I would remove the part of the small fender bender (it was fixed) mention it was repainted and the engine was rebuilt. dont mention how long ago you rebuilt the engine (people dont believe that low of miles in the time past) mention it has ac but until they ask if it works dont say. you gotta let the buyer figure out some stuff on there own. Im not saying hide anything just dont try to over sell teh car it seems like youre hiding something. the car is nice and in great shape for its age let it sell itself just tell a little about it and leave the rest to the buyer to ask. I try to mention these things running great/good/not running in good cosmetic shape/ fair shape /needs paint/ lots of rust or project car currently registered title in hand/ have title not registered back fees due/ non op no fees due interior in good shape/ interior needs work/ needs all interior redone tires are new/ good shape/ needs tires THATS IT after that let them ask the questions
the car hobby is almost always a money loser you will hardly ever get what you have in it that is why i never sell anything except parts it has to be highly collectible to bring big money nowadays these shows that show people making big money are just that a tv show. good luck trying to sell it you will always get stupid questions rudeness and someone trying to lowball ya thats just the way it is
Thanks junrai, I will take that into consideration next time I post the ad. I'm in no big hurry to sell it not needing the cash right away. So I will hold out till I find someone that wants it bad enough. So Old Goose your saying I should part it out? lol. jk. You are right though, parts are becoming more expensive.
no not part it out keep it you will be interested in it again I just build more garages lol once its paid for it doesn't cost anything to keep except garage space but where you live can be a problem with space . I just don't like turning anything loose cause once its gone its gone forever just like my 64 buick skylark- 340 duster - 47 Indian, 58 Pan , 69 Mach 1 . 69-68 camaros 74 gto 65 gto I will never afford to buy another one of those again or a norton commando triumph trophy twin man I am getting bummed thinking about all those cars-bikes I had and let go and they were all paid for
I would tell them Thanks but TRY to build any car for $12 k, I think you could build an unsafe rat rod for less but thats it. I would also wait until spring, x-mas isn't the best time. Oh and thats a nice car!!!!