I install holley 4160 carb and got c4 trans so the question is can I keep my kick down rod or I need to change it for an other model cuz in fact I don't find mine so Ineed to buy a new one some where thanks David
I have a kickdown rod if you need one. If the 4160 was listed to fit your car, the kickdown rod should fit and work.
Unforturnatly if your holley carb does not already have linkage for a ford kickdown you have to buy an entirely new linkage bar(sorry i forgot momentaly what they are called) its the thing that has the linkage and is attached to the butterflies) anyway holleys are not like eldlebrocks they dont have a "bolt on ford kickdown" ......... But you can make an eldlebrock bolt on linkage work with a holley one IF your willing to drill a small hole in the linkage for it to bolt on it works i had mine like that for a whole month till the part i needed cam in. But you also dont really need a kickdown there nice to have but not needed if you know your car. when you stepon the pedel just drop the car down a gear manualy this is really easy if you have a floor shifted car. because basicaly thats all a kickdown does (kick the transmission down a gear)
thanks a lot guys I will let you know. Come-73: your right I just need to downshift my b&m star shifter but that's the thing realy don't know my car cuz it's been 3 years I don't drive it and a lot of modification so I don't wantto blow-up my transmission the first week But every body who like me says to don't put one thanks again every body David
I have one of those holly linkage/kickdown extentions I never used,.... you can have it for the shipping cost if ya want?.... throwing it in an envelope shouldnt cost much? let me know
kick down well it kinda defeets the purpose of a automatic, if you dont have it , I had to replace one in a old couger I had , 69 model , 302 , C6 tranny , I adjusted it so if I romped down on it it would hold passing gear till I hit 65 MPH , had the car for over 4 yrs did alot of interstate driving, never had a lick of problem outta the tranny an it was bone stock !! was super for lane changing an on ramp merge .....
You dont need it and id say it doesnt really defeat the purpose of a AUTO you still dont have to clutch or shift several times you only have to do it when you romp on it or youll just waste some gas and will speed up slower and if your racing i like to shift manual anyway.
This may be stupid, but I was under the impression that along with downshifting for passing/harder acceleration, the downshift linkage will also increases the fluid pressure in the transmission, to sustain the harder use. I'm not sure if that is right or not. Seeems like I was told that before, but I can't even remember who told me.