Hello all. I got some new rubber leaf spring shackle bushings from ESPO Springs n Things in Danville PA. Went to install them today expecting to have to hammer them in, but they are significantly undersized, lots of slop. With a caliper, leaf eye is 1.002", bushing is .972 off the shackle, .978 on the shackle bolt (slight expansion). Is this OK? Will they compress and fill the eye when I torque down the shackle bolts? Or should they fit snug? Thanks!
Thanks. I would have thought so too. The saleslady at ESPO, who seems very very knowledgeable about all things springs, said they expand on compression, and that they sell many of these for all manner of Fords. I tried it today, quickly cause it was raining and the car's outside, and they did seem to expand and snug up in the spring eye. Guess I'll go ahead and install them, since it's not too hard to swap them out if they give me problems under weighted driving.
Interesting. I got my springs from ESPO and the bushings were not loose. The previous springs I bought (different vendor) I had to use a press to remove the bushings so I could install polyurethane (I eventually put the rubber back in)...