Pretty rock solid, they are from around here, lots of good feedback when I was fighting with my AOD, I bought one from Performance Automatics, came with a lifetime warranty.
I bought a Lentech for my 74 Comet with the 427 in it 550 plus HP .. It was an Automatic Overdrive with and performed excellent !! I even got one of his yellow Tee-Shirts with the purchase ..( still got it ) .. Mr. Lentech drove a Maverick with a transmission that HE designed and did so well at the track that soon others were asking him to build THEM one .. He did , and the rest is history . Fine Product !! Cometized (Chip)
I have not found any recent feedback on them. The company was turned over to Chris. They had a big issue with one person. A few years ago that trashed them online. I just want to make sure it is worth spending the money. I am in no way a automatic transmission expert. Lol
My contact with Lentech was always positive ! I ordered the transmission and they asked the Weight of the Car , the approximate horsepower generated , the rear end gear ratio , and afterwards they also built a Torque Converter for the transmission I ordered. I NEVER had a moment of trouble with the unit. My 427 launched like it was fired from a " sling-shot" and the Electric Overdrive was a breeze to operate . I installed a rocker switch on my gearshift console and when I wanted overdrive I just clicked the switch. It also was illuminated so I could tell if I was in OD at a glance when I was in stop and go traffic. I usually ran it OUT of OD when I got into any kind or stop/go traffic . I don't know WHO is in charge at Lentech NOW .. but I would probably buy another if I needed one . Cometized ( Chip)
Hi Tom: Just a footnote .. The owner of LENTECH I dealt with was named Lenny .. and I can't remember the last name but its on my order in file from years ago if I needed it . The cars we are preparing for this years Hot Rod POWER TOUR are both 5 Speed Overdrive Trannys so I don't need an automatic for either . But If I did , I'd certainly order again from this outfit . His name ISN'T Mr. Lentech like I mentioned earliier in error . Fine Transmission .. I hope you have as much success as I did . Cometized (Chip)
I am looking for the proper flex plate for the car. They are telling the bolt pattern is 11 3/8 and most advertised AOD flexplates are advertised at 11 1/2". Does anyone have know or have a recommendation?
Tom.. As I recall ( Its been a few years ago so I don't remember the EXACT type.) It was an AFTERMARKET flex plate intended for an AOD we had a Neutral Balance Engine so we had to go with an Aftermarket FlexPlate. My AOD was shipped WITH a new Converter built by Lentech Also ..It was a 9" and reached out to the standard bolt pattern on the flex plate.. I would contact Lenny at Lentech and ask THEM which is best for THEIR Transmission ... They SHOULD know .. and also would be able to point you to a source if THEY don't have it . Call Lentech and ask to speak to their tech department.. We spent a lot of time speaking to Lenny originally and he was very helpful .. Don't know WHO is there now !! Wish you success.. Cometized (Chip)
I have a question for Cometized! I am think abt replacing my C4 w/ AOD and have a few questions in mind but only one at the moment. Dip stick location -- where the stick on the AOD resides have any issues w/ firewall clearance? Are they case/pan fill? I been researching Phoenix Trans. site and see the transmissions are same physical length. I have those nuisance leaks and trying to decide whether to go back w/ C4 or make a change.
They are all case fill and use the 164T flexplate which AFAIK all are drilled fro 11.5" pattern(news to me some are different)... The 9½" Stallion converter I ran in my T-Bird has a 11.5" pattern... The trans mount is farther back on tail housing so requires mount mods or a custom crossmember... There are some AODE that use a smaller pattern but still 164T...
Hi Mojo: Concerning the C4 or AOD .. I would think it would all depend on what you're going to do with the Car .. I built two of mine with AODs because I hook up with the Hot Rod POWER TOUR whenever I can and the AOD is the only way to go other than a Stick Shift with Overdrive. THIS upcoming POWER TOUR we are taking two cars both with 5 speed overdrives. A C4 should be just fine around town and for short hops but a 3000 mile , or more tour could become a real expense due to the gas mileage . My StickShift Comet runs a 75 mph and the RPMs are about 1900 or so. My Daughters Streetfighter C4 spins the motor a lot higher at the same speeds. We're converting her car over to AOD and Fuel Injection this Spring. As far as " Leaks " .. those can be chased down if you persist and stopped with a little time and effort. I didn't have any issues with firewall clearances .. I DID have an issue with my Grabber years ago starting out on one of the Power Tours we participated in due to the Dipstick blowing out of its scabbard and spraying a little oil in the area .. We pulled over , made a small gasket from a cover for a CarBrush , inserted it into the stem .. problem solved. I hope this helps. A footnote also .. the AOD is a great All Around Transmission when done right in town AND on the highway. I recommend it . Cometized (Chip)
Thanks for ur input Tom! I was aware of the need for xmember mod. I have a lot more to consider B4 I decide on a change. Thanks for going to a detail answer to my question. My car is used most for local and regional events. However, I do make a few highway trips a year not over abt 600mi. rdtrip. Since I still have the 2.79 gearing I really don't have much of an issue w/ high rpms. My C4 shifts perfectly, has a shift kit, just have to add fluid abt 6 times a season and tired of oil on my floor. I just may stick w/ the C4, since the problem is a leaking issue and work on that issue; it is an idea I been kicking around for a time.
Hi Mojo: I personally think you've made the right choice .. The C4 should serve you well for what you've described . I also was running a 3:55 gear in the rear of the AOD cars and it performed well with the Overdrive and I had a ample torque on the bottom end when I needed it in traffic . Cometized (Chip)