This site has to be one of the best set up Forums around,,, We all can post things,,,,ask questions,, Get answers,,, meet other Maverick and Comet people,,, Get Help,, see whats new,, Buy parts ,,,,, sell parts,,, Swap Parts,,,,,, Out of the over 8,000 members we Only have 89 suporting members,,, For all the Hard work it must take to Run this Forum, We should really try and get the Suporting Membership up higher then 89,,,, So What do you all Say,,,, Lets have a Suporting Membership Drive,, For Our Home here,,:Handshake Stefan,,, and the rest that Keep this site running,, Awesome Job,,, All of you out there,, That think this is Long Over due,, Please Chime in and have a say,,,:Handshake
i wholeheartedly agree. i have been a supporting member since he instituted it and i know losing this forum and the friends i have met would not be a fun option.
This is the best forun out there and i'd hate to lose it. The amount to be a supporter is a great investment for those that can afford to do so.
Well woth it. As I said when I became a supporting member, The first post that I placed was worth $20 easy. You can't get instant access to this much expertise for less.
well the qwetion is for us memers only is how do we "support" the forum? i have been getting on hear for 4 years now and i love the info and people on hear so how can i sign up to be a supporting member?
You are not showing up as a supporting member. If you are a supporting member, you may want to contact Stefan, seems to be a problem. I believe you can click on the supporting member icon under any of our user names and it will tell you. It is $20 a year to be a supporting member, and well worth it.
If we can get that supporting membership up by a good few hundred,, It would be a Great thing,,, Come on every one,,, lets spread the word and help people find that button to push,,, To Find the Suporting Member area,,,, Maybe Stefan can do a Mass PM and let every one know how its done,,,,:Handshake
It must have been a year ago! I laughed out loud when I saw my own post no longer had the icon!! Moron... Needless to say, I've now re-ante'd for the year.
I agree 100%. Come on guys, $20 a year can't kill anyone! That's $1.66 per month! I am on here every day and every night and will likely be for years to come! There is so much knowledge and helpful people on here that I feel guilty only having to pay $20. Becoming a supporting member also gives you a few extra benefits! I also want everyone to know that I spoke with Joe before he posted this and I told him I thought it was a great idea! Stefan had nothing to do with this post and very seldom even asks anything from any of us...except to help keep a clean site. Thanks Stefan! :Handshake I commend Joe for yet ANOTHER great idea!!!
I have been a supporting member for a couple years now. I used to come home and check my email after work, now I come home and check the forums and see whats going on. This site has provided me with many hours of reading and researching, entertainment and most of all one of the friendliest sites on the net. I have made many friends here and am sure I will make many more. But the one thing I dont do is give advice. LOL. And to those of you that I have never communicated with maybe someday we can will chat with one another. Its sorta lonely being the only Mavericker for miles around and if it was not for this site I would have no idea that there are so many of us. Thanks Stefan
The way I like to look at it, there are several ways that you can support the forum like purchasing a supporting member subscription, writing tech articles and helping others. Not everyone is in the position to become a supporting member or have the know how to contribute technically. They can support the forums in other ways like greeting new members, posting birthdays, posting ads/auctions that they find on the net and reporting spam/inappropriate threads. Every little bit helps the forum and I dont want anyone to feel pressured to purchase a supporting membership.