Hey Im In SW Michigan and just wondering how many other Maverick and Comet owners Are Out there and where they are from and the Area there From so heres a POLL I hope I did it right. Lets Start it out By Breaking it up Into 1. North 2. East 3. West and 4. South (not necessary in that order for any reason thats just around the compass.
Kentucky here.... there used to be a thread that had a map of everyone's location on it, but i cant seem to find it
Kind of funny that 80% of the people in the poll live in two States, California/39% and Georgia/41%........................IMHO
You can also click on the Community box up on the top header, then click members list once that opens there is a search box and it has advanced under it. click advanced and it will open another window, in that window there is a tab for location just put in the state name and it will bring up a list of members in the state you are checking.
Never knew you could do that. I pulled up my state of Alabama, there are three of us with more posts indivually than all the rest of them from the state combined! Rayzorsharp is first, I'm next, and JHodges is third. It's a ways back to number 4!
I'm not surprised that there's more of us in the southern US than anywhere else so far. Probably just because the cars tend to survive longer down here. It's either that or some certain hoarders in Georgia screwing up the numbers... It would be interesting to see a count of actual cars by location too, but I'm not sure how we'd go about that.