I was thinking about Rears'n'Gears (TM) today and have a question when it comes to swapping out rear gear ratios when there is a locker installed. So an example - I'm running a 3:55 rear-end with a Yukon locker. Say I wanted to move to a 4:11 or swap back to the stock 2:7 gears. Could that locker still be used with either gear change? I don't know if they're 'keyed' in some way when they're installed or any of that. That had me wondering today... If the locker would work with them, all that would be really needed is just a new bearing kit and seals? Thanks!
Nothing special about locker that would keep you from changing from one gear set to another, you would just have to set each one up for backlash and such. Crush sleeve and pinion bearing and maybe some shims is all that would be needed