Hello fellow maverick and comet lovers. Its great to finally be back home and on this site again after 2 1/2 months of the ever so wonderful basic combat training in Ft. Jackson, S.C. ! I see we are still in discussion of the elusive "S" Maverick (dare i say the word? lol). Anything new happening in our world of Mavericks that i missed out on while i was away? I sure hope so. I could use some new info. I can't drive my maverick while home on exodus due to my Soldier in Training status so all i have to do is wrench. While not a total bad thing, it would be nice to take the maverick on a peppy jaunt down the road. I hope you all had a wonderful christmas and have a happy and memorable welcoming to 2004. Long live our great nation and long live the maverick lover. Hooah! AAA-O, PV2 Bissell