Trying to contact Chris who lives close to Mahoning Valley Race Track in PA. Chis lost your email address and phone number. Still have parts car. Contact me here or (my old email address is N/G). I'm the guy who drove down in late winter and picked up a left front fender from you. RichK
his name on here is grbmaverickmo. if you click on the members list and look him up. you can send him an email. hope this helps. click on the G and go to page 5.
Don = Joe Friday,,,, young people will have no idea who he is lol, even Don's instructions are like Friday's. To the point, no muss no fuss, gets the job done. Dan
I have dragnet, rawhide, Daniel Boone and Leave it to Beaver T'vod! Whenever an episode appears, it records it. Dan