It has come to my attention that many old time part stores are closing for lack of customers I am sure that there are alot of us on here that remember the type of part store that I am talking about the ones that have parts books and can find the part you need even if it was not on your car the type of store that the counter person was a car guy or gal and knew what you were talking about not like the big chain part stores that only know what the computer tells them. We have a part store here like that they can find what ever you need no matter what the part fit I have buying my parts there for 31 years and now there is a real chance they will be gone within the year and to me and others like me that would be a great loss, so I am writing this to ask if you have a part store like this near you buy from them and help to keep a great resource alive in your area ofr the future gear heads that come along and tell your freinds abuot them and guild the younger gear heads to them it would be a shame for true part stores to go away forever. We on this forum help each other to find parts and build our cars so it would seem that we would want to stand together on this situation as well. This was just an idea that I had when I picked up my rear disc brake convertion rotors this morning and was told that the parts store would not last another year if things did not get better so i thought I would turn to all of you because if it is happening here it is happening every where. So if you can help a local small parts store that would help to save a great asset in the gear head world. Thanks
We had a parts store here called "The Green Store." It was in a one story cinder block building aptly enough, painted green. Tese guys sold a little bit of everything but thier claim to fame was car parts. You could go in there and they could get you anything. It was run by a bunch of old car guys from way back when. They were awesome. But then Walmart moved in down the road, then Autozone, then Napa, and Advance Auto. They just couldn't keep up with the big chain stores. Damn shame. I remmeber going there as a kid and buying gum and candy. Some of my fondest memories are running around indie the green store as a kid.
Very few Ma & Pa Auto stores left out this way. I started in the business in those stores. We would be able to find any parts for guys building cars using the catalogs with the progressive size charts in the back of the books. I loved those days. All of the stores I worked at are gone now. I changed to a dealership for the better hours and pay. We have one small store left in the area. We do not use them at the dealership but I use them for all of my personal Maverick stuff. Going there just reminds me of the days when I was behind the counter. Its no different then the local Hardware stores being forced out of business by Lowes and Home Depot. Its just the way it is, gotta roll with the changes, like it or not ...
Sorta like the Ford dealers use to be. When I worked in parts years ago, we wouldn't let anyone leave without an answer to their questions, or the parts they needed. Our parts guys had a genuine interest in cars and parts.
In Atlanta, we have Barnette Performance, and it is an old time speed shop. These guys will do anything in their power to get your parts, and make you happy. I go there all the time, and will continue to do business with them. We need to support these shops, as they are under real pressure to stay open in this economy.
I'd love to support my local speed shops, I've known the owners of two shops for years, but they both deal with Keystone, and it seems like forever to get some parts..I can order from Summit on a Friday, and I can have it at my door (In Canada) buy Wednesday, and even with duty & exchange sometimes it's still cheaper. It's a sign of the times, sadly...
We have a parts store here that can get you anything. It was at one time a Mom and Pop store and they saw the writing on the wall of things to come. They have since converted to a NAPA store but the same people run the store. Kinda the best of both worlds. The only shame about the store is when they converted over they closed the machine shop.