I was thinking about a Orange 2dr Mav that ran around here back in the 80's. It had the factory installed luggage rack. Just wondering how many others have seen a Mav/Comet with that option. It was only offered as a RPO for a few years. I believe the MSRP was $54 most years. I see a lot of Granada's with them. But thats the only Maverick I remember having one, other than aftermarket of course. And by the way, it is one item that was supplied to ALL manufacturers by an outside vendor, because if you look them up for say Corvettes, they are 100% identical in appearence and mounting to the ones pictures in the Ford catalogs.
THERE'S A 74 BLUE 2-DOOR IN TUNNELHILL GA. parked at the golf course now.thats about 23 miles south of Chattanooga Tenn
When my Dad closed his Ford dealership back in 1979/1980, he brought home a bunch of N.O.S. parts that Ford would not take back. One of those parts was an NOS Luggage Rack. My brother and I used it for a cheap frame to make a car to ride down the hills with.