What magazines do you find most helpful for learning to work with Mavericks? Or generally, 60s-70s model cars? I've been searching the forums and a lot of the magazines mentioned are no longer around. Just sent online app for Maverick/Comet Club. What magazines that are currently available, preferably print, but also online mags, blogs, etc, do you find useful? How would you rank those that are available? Especially for someone that is still rather new to working on/restoring cars. Thanks.
No magazines, but I find these resources helpful. Maverick/Comet Forums Facebook - Maverick/Comet Restoration (Joe offers a lot of rust repair panels, and makes how to videos.) Youtube - AutoRestoMod
Excepting for styling a Maverick has very few differences from a Falcon, Torino, Mustang, Cyclone, Granada etc. About anything pertaining to chassis, suspension, electrical, power train, etc is applicable to all models(OK you can skip hidden headlights, cruise control and BOSS 429 engines). Changing a ball joint, or troubleshooting no park lights in one is same as next.