Picked up a fender and a grabber hood that needs a lil work from Barry in Long Island. I stripped the old paint and put them in primer for now. Looks a lot better than it did after the accident!!
Looks good! Mind if I ask how the heck the old fender got messed up? Something hit you in the side or what?
looking good.... i am surprised that the front wheel and fender supports didnt get screwed up...or did they?
I slid off the road and hit a telephone pole doing like 35mph...... Nothing was damaged except the fender. The pole went right between the bumper and wheel. No damage to the bumper, valence, support, wheel, front suspension.....everything was fine! Its amazing! I got lucky on that one. When I got home I took the fender off and it was as if the car was never hit. Although when the fender dented it pushed into the hood and put a nice lil crease , but overall the hood is still fine (except for the rust in the front) The Maverick Gods were watching over me that day!!!