Hi, i was wondering if anyone could tell me what parts interchange between early to later year mavericks (mainly body) tail lights,grills, hoods i'm tring to learn all i can on these cars. The search continues but hopefully not for long. Thanks Dennis
only differences was the bumpers as far as body parts go. 70 - 72 were the small ones, 73 was a transition year where the front got bigger. The back is the same but sticks out further on more beefey mounts. 74 - 77 was the big bumpers front and rear. Fenders had a minor changed in 73 where the stone guard fits. They are still interchangable but you may have to cut a notch to go from 73 or newer to an older car, or weld the notch up to go from a early car to a 73 or newer. Doors are the same other than the interior handles. around late 72 they started mounting them in the lower front corner of the door panel. 4 door cars have the same front end including the windshield. From the doors back, only the tail light panel and bumpers are the same.
Thanks, i was just curious i like the early style bumpers,grills and did not know if i got a later model if they were interchangeable. No matter anyways i'll be happy with what i get. I'm doing a resto on my cougar so i want to find a driver, i don't want to many projects. Thanks, Dennis