not finish yet but getting there. I will paint it inferno red (dodge color) I want to get it done faster but I get off work late and by the time I get home it's already dark so I'm just working on it every saturday. I will post more pictures as I go.
on your way Good start- but I have a suggestion...get rid of that plastic cover, you're creating rust starting moisture under there in places you can't even imagine. Really bad idea. Dosen't breath at all. Agood cover is an investment, not an expense.....and you'll need/want one sooner or later.
The most important thing, Houston, is we have PROGRESS. A little at a time sometimes turns out better than hurrying.
yea. progress is always good i throw a tarp up when its going to rain and then pull it off when its over
Thank you for the advice. I will take the plastic off ASAP. I'm hopping to get my interior re-done really soon maybe by next week. I will post pictures when that happens..