There are several of us that have done burnouts and doughnuts, but I don't know if any of us are quite ready to recognise that as an organized sport just yet.
i've been asked belive it or not.. every year one of my customers rents irwindale speedway and they do testing.. i always drive my maverick out there to show the rice rockets up... they always tell me to drift it! no thanks! but there is a camaro and el cameo that do run one of the circurts along with a 05 mustang and a GTO.
any car such as ours would be great at drifting... its all about how you can handle the cars break out... put a posi unit on our cars.. and decent tires... and it would be easy to drift
your not dumb... its not something you don't see everyday... here you go drifting 101.. get informed you people! "Drifting is a high-skill level motor-sport in which drivers control a car while it slides from side to side at high speed (approx. 90 to 125mph) through a fixed course. It is similar to Rally racing on ice barn, but is done on a tarmac (paved course) and judged on speed, angle of attack, execution and style rather than just who finishes the fastest. " ...quote "d1gp" this is not a new thing either.. its been in japan for many years.... if you never seen it and you get a chance you should! very spectatorish! makes drag racing seem boring as hell! these guys have control of the car like you would never imagine! its not just about making smoke! i think that is the biggest misconseption! i got to go in the one of the past winnercar for a ride along! man that was fun! very wild check this video out and you see why. just to let you know they are not racing its about showmanship! if it don't work by clickin on it then try right clicking on link... save to your desk top then run it now after watching that don't you wanna do that.. lol! btw you don't use a nice car to do drifting... these cars have zip-tied bumpers and always get damaged and tire sponsors are a must!
The one i wanted to try is time trial racing at an arena parking lot. they set up cones on a large parking lot and you race through it trying to have the best times and they would even compare times nationally. still havent found one around here though.
Thanks, I look one all day long so I might as well do it at home too. only thing is most of the time I can't see the jaws spinning.