Well, I just got back from looking at the car. Lets just say dissappointment would be an understatement. The first picture is the garage door. There is two 40 foot telephone poles half burried in the ground that have to be moved before the doors can be opened.
Next, looking through the side door. The car has all flats and the floor is dirt. I cant imagine the floors would be in decent shape. The car reeked of mold and is covered with that and bird crap. Lots of trash piled up all around it.
The motor is probably froze up because of the moisture problem. I didnt even try to turn it over. The shock towers looked like access was gained to the upper A frame greese fittings with a hammer and chisel. Air cleaned was on the back floor. It was a 170
This is why it was probably parked. It took a pretty good hit in the right front. Grill, valance, bumper, stone guard, fender and all the trim was wasted. The right side had more trash piled up. Had to move alot just to look at it.
The interior was covered with mold. The padded dash was perfect along with the steering wheel. The car had 74,+++ miles on it. Seats were decent but there was hole in the drives back cusion. All the plastic panels looked to bee in excellent shape. Note how the dash is rusted.
Last one. The rear, again piled with trash. The body didnt appear to have any rust through parts however, lots of heavy surface rust all along the bottom, all the way around. Probably once cleaned up, there probably will be rust trhough areas. The funny thing is, I talked to the guy tuesday and he said he definately was going to sell me the car. When I arrived, he told me the car was already sold. The mix up was becaues he was talking to me, Dennis Martin and Russ Martin all week and didnt realize he was talking to 2 different people. Anyway, I know Russ and called him on the cell and told him he can have it. After I left, I called him back and told him the real condition of it. I dont think Russ wants it anymore either. So I'd say, anyone near this place might be able to pick it up for $50 to $100. You could easily get that much worth of parts.
Oh yea, take a chain saw with you and 4 tires. The trip wasent a total waste, I did find this neat rootbeer soda bottle. Since I live on this stuff, I thought that was neat. cost: free fuel to get it: $40 time wasted going there: 8 1/2 hrs Oh well, I had to go!
So where is it again? I know it'll be too far for me to go, but I'm curious. Sorry it didn't go like you and/or Mr. Russ wanted. Preston
Well....you had to go. I would have too. Just goes to show you what a real "classic" looks like!!! I love those pictures!! So did you take your trailer with you just in case? Definitly worth $50 to $100....somebody get this car.
It is in a place called Ligonier. Its about an hour east of Pittsburg. I did have my trailer with me (of course). The guy was confident Russ was going to buy it for $300 so I didnt argue the point. Just thanked him and went on down the road. I took Sparks with me and it was a beautiful day so we had a good road trip anyway. If Hoffa is in there I'm sure the mice cleaned him down to the bones. Its going to be alot of work for a $100 parts car.
I really don't like to hear a sad story like that but it makes you thankful for the SWEET ones. Sorry for the wasted trip Dennis, glad it was a pretty day. Terry
ok after looking at those photos i'd be stealing this car... HTML: http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=8270 hum one positive here... but yeah that cars alot of work for 100 bucks in parts.. then what do you do with the shell?
Originally Posted by Maverick Man.......... but yeah that cars alot of work for 100 bucks in parts.. then what do you do with the shell? Well, that's when you load it up on a trailer, and bring it to my house where I feed you and put you up, and we build it...................Right???:confused: :confused: J/K Preston