Not only is this car way to high....but check out what category it is in:
LOL!!! Thats great! You just need a couple more Mavs and maybe a Comet. String them all up and enjoy the soothing sound of them banging together in the breeze AC
You could always plant flowers in the trunk! Russ, that's the LDO look of the '77 model. Wes' 4-door that I once owned looked like that in its first life.
How could you bid on a car when it looks like the pictures were taken at night. For that kind of money for a big-bumper fourdoor you had better document its "mint" condition. No engine pics either.:confused:
Thanks Doug. I though about painting my 73 like that, but now that I see it, I'll consider something else. Russ
My first thought was, for that money they should have at least cleaned the trash out of the car first.