I have a 1975 Ford Maverick with a 1985 5.0HO. i just did a full tune up and replaced intake and water pump. went to gas station got gas and then the problems started as i left the gas station the car had a shake and a loss of power. i suspected bad gas and i have drained most of it out... what next??
maybe a air bubble one time when i filled my old 69 bug up with gas it started just fine but before i left the gas station it dyed on my and wouldent start after kicking for a few min / it started about 15 min after like nothing was wrong /// i was not geting any gas //
is there a way to check the gasket without removing. i drained gas and added a fuel treatment and added 1/4 take of shell 91. Its making a noise like the pipes are clogged if that helps
Sounds like intake leak,Spray some carb cleaner around the gasket if idle picks up you found your leak..
i checked dist its fine and i have timing set, i checked firing order and spark plug gaps.. could this be a carb problem??
all wires are getting fire but when i pull wires on passenger side it seems like that there no change in the idle unless i pull more than to wires
Could be junk in the carb or a bad plug or a burnt valve or a number of other things. Do a leak-down test before you start removing things that might no be necessary.