I'm gonna throw one out there. Where did the name Maverick come from? I always thought a Maverick was a horse. I've heard people refer to them as "Pony cars", There is a basketball team called the Mavericks (with a horse as a mascot), and I've seen a glass company called Maverick glass and on the side of their trucks there is a horse. So where does the steer head come into play?
Maverick: Noun 1. An unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it. 2. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter. Adjective Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence: maverick politicians; a maverick decision. Etymology Possibly after Samuel Augustus Maverick (1803-1870), American cattleman who left the calves in his herd unbranded .
Back in the mid 1880's, there was a cattle owner by the name of Samual Augustus Maverick who was well known for not branding his cattle. On occasion, his calfs or steers would wander off. Other cattlemen who found them refered to them as Mavericks. In other words, any unbranded calf or steer that was seperated from thier herd became mavericks. That's where the steer head on our cars comes from.
Ignorance is not a derogatory term, and I'd bet Dan didn't mean it that way. Ignorant just means that they do not know what the true meaning of a Maverick is. They are unaware of the true meaning. Now if he would have said "stupidity", that is derogatory.
IGNORANCE: Noun: The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed. Ignorance is not derogatory .... perhaps those that are using Horse Logos with the word Maverick are just uninformed. Now ... if they knew that a Maverick was supposed to be a cow but used a horse anyway ... then that is just plain stupid!
I remember we had this discussion once before. Though no one knew the real reason why Ford Put a horse decal on a Maverick Stallion, I had a theory of my own. A Stallion is a horse, hence a horse head on the decal. Back in 1976, sales at Ford where dropping. The Pinto, Mustang and Maverick where chosen for a special paint package called, of coarse, the Stallion Package. The idea of this was to increase sales. Now both a Pinto and a Mustang are horses, so it made sence to use a horse head on the decals. But when it came to the Maverick, it was cheaper to use the same decal and change the name than it was to make an entirely different one for the car.
Yea Dan was not attacking anybody. He is too classy of a guy to do that. I never really worried about the whole where did the name come from thing. I'm just glad Ford built it and I am enjoying it today.
Man,, I cant believe none of you got this one right. Here is the correct story. Henry Ford II and his second wife had a child in the middle 60's. Henry wanted to call him Edsel II. His wife insisted no way,, Anyone alive in the late 50's and into the 60's knows what I am talking about as the name Edsel. Hey I love Edsels,, just stating facts here. In my studies of Henry II I learned that he was so infuriated of his wifes thoughts that he indeed went to the dictionary, just to read to calm himself down. He landed on the word Maverick,, and the definition of someone not conforming. They named the boy Maverick Edsel Ford,, born 10/31/67. Henry insisted this be the turn around for the next generation of Ford cars, and hence became project Maverick, which is how our cars came to the drawing board. Sadly, Maverick Edsel Ford was killed in a Kiln accident while away to College in Prague in 1988. Ironically he had made a full size clay replica of the Maverick and the heat required to cure it was just to much for the kiln and it exploded killing Maverick and another exchange student from Mongolia who's name I cant even remember.